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Effects of Ozone Treatment on Preservation and Preservation of Pleurotus eryngii During Storage


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Effects of Ozone Treatment on Preservation and Preservation of Pleurotus eryngii During Storage
(School of Biology and Food Engineering,Changshu Institute of Technology,Changshu,Jiangsu 215500)
Pleurotus eryngiiozone treatmentpreservation technology
The storage time of Pleurotus eryngii was 5.0 g?h-1 with different ozone concentration and the same treatment time combined with low temperature (5 ℃)on the number of fruiting body microorganisms and the rot rate of fruiting body during storage period were studied and analyzed by ozone treatment after harvest.The results showed that the dominant spoilage bacteria of Pleurotus eryngii were mainly yeast,followed by mold,so Pleurotus eryngii was seriously invaded by yeast and mold.Under the condition of 5 ℃ cold storage,7.76 mg?L-1 ozone treatment could significantly reduce the microbial decay of Pleurotus eryngii compared with the other five groups.This study could reduce the number of microorganisms in fruiting body,reduce the decay rate of fruiting body,improve postharvest physiology,quality and extend the shelf life of Pleurotus eryngii,which provided a reference for ozone in the preservation technology of Pleurotus eryngii.


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Last Update: 2020-11-24