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Inhibition of Root Knot Nematode in Protected Soil by Smashing and Returning Marigold


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Inhibition of Root Knot Nematode in Protected Soil by Smashing and Returning Marigold
GAO BoHAO YongliLIU QingpengQI MingyuZHANG WeiZHAO WeiqiangZHAO Yongfeng
(Chifeng Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Chifeng,Inner Mongolia 024300)
marigoldcomminuted and returned to the fieldroot-knot nematodeinhibition effects
Using the crushed material of marigold plants as the test material,the method of backfilling the crushed material of marigold plants (whole plants,roots,flowers) into the field was used to study the inhibition effects of the marigold plants comminuted and returned to the field on the root-knot nematode in greenhouse soil and investigate the effect on the growth and yield of the tomato plant.The results showed that the comminuted marigold had a significant inhibitory effect on the root-knot nematode in greenhouse soil.Among them,1.4% was given with root additive treatment,disease index was 23.60,respectively.Comprehensive control effect was 71.33%,respectively,which was higher than that with other treatment and CK (disease index 83.20).The addition of the appropriate amount of comminuted marigold plant had could effectively promoted the growth of tomato plants and reduced the oxidative damage of cell membrane of their cytoplasm to a certain extent.The treatment with 0.7% root additive had significant differences in malondialdehyde activity (MDA),catalase activity (CAT),superoxide gistinase activity (SOD) and peroxidase activity (POD) of that with control treatment,and the yields had increased by 47.55%,was a more suitable concentration of comminuted matter.


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Last Update: 2020-12-23