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Effects of Round Pruning on Multiple Rounds of Flowering of Lagerstroemia indica


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Effects of Round Pruning on Multiple Rounds of Flowering of Lagerstroemia indica
SHA Fei1YANG Hainiu1LIU Fang1YE Yaomei2
(1.Wuhan Flower-wood Company,Wuhan,Hubei 430000;2.College of Horticultural and Forestry Science,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan,Hubei 430070)
Lagerstroemia indicaround trimmingpruning timepruning intensitymulti-round flowering
The perennial single-stem Lagerstroemia indica plants when grown outdoors were used as experimental materials.The two-factor randomized block test design of pruning intensity and pruning time and subsequent round trimming were carried out to study its effect on the multi-round flowering of Lagerstroemia indica.Flowering times of Lagerstroemia indica regulated by round pruning technique would provide a theoretical basis.The results showed that the pruning intensity and pruning time had significant effects on the germination and flowering of Lagerstroemia indica.And there was a significant difference between the two combinations.The pruning time had a greater impact on the main phenological periods,such as germination stage,squaring stage,initial flowering stage and full bloom stage after the pruning of Lagerstroemia indica.Round pruning of Lagerstroemia indica had four rounds flowering.And the flowering period lasted for 81 days without interruption,which could be extended by 51 days by comparing with the untrimmed plant.The conbination which was composed of medium-sized cutting shoots on 19th July,medium-sized cutting shoots on 2nd August and cutting inflorescence on 23rd August of the medium-sized cutting shoots branches of 19th July could obtain the best fourrounds flowering.In conclusion,the method of round trimming in the growth stage of Lagerstroemia indica could effectively prolong the flowering period and increase the ornamental value of Lagerstroemia indica.


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Last Update: 2021-01-08