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Research Progress on Peach Ploidy Breeding


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Research Progress on Peach Ploidy Breeding
(Beijing Academy of Forestry and Pomology Sciences/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Crops,North China,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Beijing Engineering Research Center for Deciduous Fruit Trees Beijing,Beijing 100093)
ploidy breedingpeachgermplasm
Ploidy breeding is one of the important methods of fruit tree breeding.Peach ploidy breeding began in 1930s.Extensive researches had been carried out in such fields as inducing polyploidy by colchicine,investigation,induction,screening and utilization of 2n gametes,obtaining and doubling haploid.There were more than 30 peach ploidy accessions worldwide,which came from mutagenesis,cross breeding and seedling selection,respectively.The cytogenetic studied on haploid and triploid resources showed that most of the ploidy collections of peach were abnormal in meiotic division and low in fertility.The depth and maturity of peach ploidy breeding researches could be effectively promoted by strengthening the discovery and creation of new germplasm,perfecting the technical system of peach ploidy breeding,and carrying out a more in-depth analysis of the existing germplasm,which then would stimulate related industries to grow.


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Last Update: 2020-11-24