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Research on China′s High Quality Poverty Alleviation Based on Multi-dimensional Poverty Measure


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Research on China′s High Quality Poverty Alleviation Based on Multi-dimensional Poverty Measure
HOU JunqiZHENG Panpan
(College of Economics and Management,Beijing Information Science and Technology University,Beijing 100101)
rural families in Gansu Provincemulti-dimensional poverty‘AF’ measurement methodMPIhigh quality poverty alleviation
Based on the survey data of rural families in Gansu Province,‘AF’ double-boundary multi-dimensional poverty measurement method was used,in order to measure and decompose the multi-dimensional poverty of rural households in 9 counties of four cities (states) in Gansu Province.The results showed that the incidence of single-dimensional poverty in rural households in Gansu Province was higher in terms of years of education,health facilities and social capital indicators,and there was widespread multi-dimensional poverty,in which the 3-dimensional poverty incidence rate of farmers was as high as 85.8%.After further decomposing the multidimensional poverty index,it was founded that the contribution rate of the education,medical care and social capital indicators to the multidimensional poverty was relatively large,and the contribution rate of drinking water and housing was the lowest,but with the increase of the k value,the contribution rate of the income dimension.It replaced the contribution rate of the capital dimension.The results of the analysis showed that the poverty alleviation work in Gansu Province should target the population,adapt to people′s needs,increase the accuracy of identification,provide effective poverty alleviation policies,realizing high quality poverty alleviation.


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Last Update: 2020-12-01