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Effects of Different Culture Substrates on Transplantation of Hybrid Orchid Seedlings


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Effects of Different Culture Substrates on Transplantation of Hybrid Orchid Seedlings
LUO QingLU ZuzhengXIE ZhenxingQIN QianTAN YiweiDING Liqiong
(Guangxi Subtropical Crops Research Institute,Nanning,Guangxi 530001)
substratehybrid orchid seedlingstissue culture seedlingssurvival rategrowth
The influence of different substrates on the survival rate and growth of tissue culture seedlings was studied via transplanting experiment with tissue culture seedlings of three hybrid orchid cultivars as test material,and five kinds of culture media.The results showed that hybrid orchid A and C had the best performance in substrate 1(Cunninghamia lanceolata sawdust),hybrid orchid B obtained the highest survival rate in substrate 5(sawdust mixture of Cunninghamia lanceolata sawdust,Moringa oleifera and Eucalyptus in the ratio of 1∶1∶1),indicated that the adaptability of different hybrid orchid tissue culture seedlings was different,which directly affected the survival rate of seedling transplanting.In terms of broad-spectrum,substrate 5 was more suitable for the growth of three cultivars in common,and the survival rate could reach up to 90.00%.Hybrid orchid A obtained the best new leaf rate with substrate 3,the best new root rate with substrate 2,the best plant height growth with substrate 5,and the best root length growth with substrate 1,respectively.Except for the highest new root growth with substrate 1,hybrid orchid B showed best new leaf rate,plant height and root length growth with substrate 5.Hybrid orchid C showed the best growth indicators with substrate 5,indicated the advantage of substrate 5 for the initial culture of hybrid orchid C.The substrates adaptability difference of the tissue culture probably caused by the parent diversity of the cultivars.In addition,the adaptability to soil pH,fertility and local climate was also inconsistent.


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Last Update: 2020-11-23