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Effects of Different Storage Temperature and Time on Viability of Pumpkin Pollens


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Effects of Different Storage Temperature and Time on Viability of Pumpkin Pollens
LI Qingfei12WANG Mengmeng1ZHANG Mannan1WANG Guangyin12CHEN Bihua12LI Xinzheng12
(1.College of Horticulture and Landscape,Henan Institute of Science and Technology,Xinxiang,Henan 453003;2.Henan Province Engineering Research Center of Horticultural Plant Resource Utilization and Germplasm Enhancement,Xinxiang,Henan 453003)
pumpkinpollen viabilitytemperaturetimeassay methods
To explore the effects of different storage temperature and time on pumpkin pollens,the pollens of three pumpkin inbred lines were used as materials,and the carmine acetate dyeing,I2-KI and germination in vitro methods were used to determine the viability of pollens,which treated for 0,8,16,24,32 hours at room temperature and treated for 0,24,48,72,96 hours at 4 ℃.The results showed that the pollen viability of pumpkin decreased gradually with time both at room temperature and 4 ℃,as well as the pollen viability decreased rapidly when stored at room temperature,thus 4 ℃ was more suitable for the preservation of pumpkin pollen.Among the three methods,the value of acetic acid magenta method was higher,and the method for pollen germination in vitro was the most reliable.In addition,this study also improved the medium formula of pollen in vitro germination,the germination rate was much higher than previous research.The results would provide a basis for solving the pollination problems of inconsistent male and female flowers and resource with few male flower such as subgynoecious lines.


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Last Update: 2020-07-25