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Cloned and Bioinformatics Analysis of HY5 Gene From ‘Yunhongli No.1’


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Cloned and Bioinformatics Analysis of HY5 Gene From ‘Yunhongli No.1’
SU Jun1CHEN Lu2ZHANG Xiaodong3CHEN Xia1YANG Jin4SHU Qun1
(1.Institute of Horticulture,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming,Yunnan 650205;2.School of Garden and Horticulture,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201;3.School of Food and Bioengineering,Xuchang University,Xuchang,Henan 461000;4.Institute of Cash Crops,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Kunming,Yunnan 650205)
HY5‘Yunhongli No.1’photoreceptorsequence analysis
The exocarp of ‘Yunhongli No.1’ was used as the test material to clone the sequence of HY5 gene cDNA of ‘Yunhongli No.1’ by PCR technology.The length,coding,molecular weight and protein structure of HY5 gene were studied,and the homology of HY5 gene coding protein was compared,in order to lay a foundation for further study on the mechanism of HY5 gene′s function and light-dependent anthocyanin synthesis of ‘Yunhongli No.1’.The results showed that HY5 gene of Pyrus pyrifolia contained open reading frames 495 bp cDNA,that encode deduced protein with 164 amino acid residues including bZIP domain.The molecular weight was 17.90 kD,belonged to hydrophilic proteinand.While the 93% sequence identfied to Malus pumila Mill.HY5 gene showed both of them had similar function.It established the foundation for further study the function and mechanism of photogenic anthocyanin synthesis of ‘Yunhongli No.1’.


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Last Update: 2020-07-25