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A Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Algorithm Based on CNN Multi-convolution Feature and HOG


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A Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Algorithm Based on CNN Multi-convolution Feature and HOG
LIU JunWANG Xuewei
(Facility Horticulture Laboratory of Universities in Shandong,Weifang University of Science and Technology,Weifang,Shandong 262700)
tomato leaf disease detectionconvolutional neural networkmultiple convolution featuresHOG
Traditional tomato leaf disease detection relies on time-consuming and laborious artificial feature design and must be carefully designed for different types of tomato diseases.Symptoms of tomato leaf diseases are complex and adopting the methods of artificial design features is difficult.Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can automatically discover the abstract features hidden in the diseased images,and its performance is superior in the field of image recognition.In this paper,the method combining CNN with traditional HOG+SVM algorithm was proposed to extract the shallow features of tomato leaf diseases,input them into HOG to generate HOG feature and merge them,and finally input them into SVM classifier to obtain disease detection results.Experiments showed that this method could improve the precision of tomato leaf disease detection.


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Last Update: 2020-04-05