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Effect of Saline-alkali Stress on the Number of Microorganisms in Rhizosphere Soil of Cinnamomum bodinieri Seedlings


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Effect of Saline-alkali Stress on the Number of Microorganisms in Rhizosphere Soil of Cinnamomum bodinieri Seedlings
WANG FangHAN HaozhangWANG XiaoliZHANG Lihua
(College of Construction Engineering,Suqian College,Suqian,Jiangsu 223800)
saline-alkali stresssoil microorganismCinnamomum bodinierisoil physical and chemical properties
The two-year-old potted seedlings of Cinnamomum bodinieri were taken as the material,were watered with mixed solution of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 with different concentration(material ratio:Na2CO3∶NaHCO3=1∶1),and tested the quantity of fungi,bacteria and actinomycetes in soil and the content of soil soluble salt,pH and electrical conductivity.Effects of saline-alkali stress on the number of microorganisms in rhizosphere soil of Cinnamomum bodinieri seedlings were studied.The results showed that pH,electrical conductivity and the content of soluble salt of rhizosphere soil of Cinnamomum bodinieri seedlings could be improved by saline-alkali stress,which was more obvious with higher concentration.But with the increase of stress time,changing in pH was not obvious,the electrical conductivity decreased first and then increased,and the content of soluble salt increased obviously.At the beginning of saline-alkali stress,the number of bacteria in rhizosphere soil at 100 mmol·L-1 and 200 mmol·L-1 concentrations were higher than that of the control,while the number of bacteria in rhizosphere soil at 300 mmol·L-1 concentrations was lower than that of the control.The number of actinomycetes was lower than that of control significantly forced by saline-alkali stress and the number of fungi was higher than that of control significantly,it was more obvious if the concentration was higher.The number of bacteria,fungi and actinomycetes in rhizosphere soil of Cinnamomum bodinieri seedlings of control and those treated by saline-alkali stress increased with the increase of stress time,and after the 25 days,it tended to be stable.Saline-alkali stress could reduce the number of soil actinomycetes and bacteria and increase the number of soil fungi.At the beginning of low concentration saline-alkali stress,the number of bacteria would be increased.Fungi and bacteria might be related to the salt and alkali resistance of Cinnamomum bodinieri.


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Last Update: 2020-07-24