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Effect of Water Retaining Agent on Growth of Chinese Cabbage and Effect of Water Saving and Fertilizer Retention


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Effect of Water Retaining Agent on Growth of Chinese Cabbage and Effect of Water Saving and Fertilizer Retention
ZHANG Chunnan1ZHANG Ruifang23WANG Xinxin23WANG Hong23ZHOU Damai23
(1.College of Resources and Environment Science,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Heibei 071000;2.Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center of Mountainous Areas in Hebei Province,Baoding,Hebei 071000;3.National Engineering Research Center for Agriculture in Northern Mountainous Areas,Baoding,Hebei 071000)
water retaining agent(WRA)Chinese cabbagenitrate contentagricultural efficiencyfertilizer utilization rate
Taking the Chinese cabbage ‘Mei nong sulyu’ bought by baoding agricultural capital market in Hebei Province as the test material,the polyacrylamide water-retaining agent was used to compare the conventional irrigation and fertilization treatment,the conventional fertilization+70% irrigation water treatment and the corresponding water retaining agent treatment.The effects of water retaining agent on growth,nitrate content and fertilizer utilization rate of Chinese cabbage were studied.In order to provide a theoretical basis for the rational application of water retention agent in agricultural production practice.The results showed that under conventional irrigation and 70% irrigation conditions,the root length of cabbages was increased by 20.57% and 20.00%,respectively.The addition of water retaining agent also significantly reduced the content of nitrate in Chinese cabbage by about 80%,which significantly improved the quality of Chinese cabbage.Adding water retaining agent can increase the yield of single plant of Chinese cabbage,and the fresh biomass of single plant of Chinese cabbage treated with water retaining agent increased by 10.65%.The soil moisture content increased by 16.63%,reducing the soil evaporation loss and improving the soil water retention performance.However,the addition of water retention agent also reduced the irrigation amount to about 70% of the conventional irrigation amount,compared with the conventional irrigation and fertilization without the addition of water retention agent,both the fresh yield per plant and the soil water content of Chinese cabbage decreased.The soil fixation capacity of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen was improved,and the soil fertilizer retention performance was improved.Agricultural efficiency and fertilizer utilization rate were improved obviously after water retaining agent was applied to plants.The results showed that the water retaining agent could promote the growth of plant roots,reduce the content of nitrate in vegetables,increase the biomass,and enhance the fixation effect of soil on nutrients.But the premise is that water retention agent in a certain irrigation conditions could play the role of water retention and fertilizer.


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Last Update: 2020-04-05