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Effect of Different Base Fertilizer Ratio on Yield and Quality of Strawberry in New Double Layer Stereoscopic Cultivation Frame


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Effect of Different Base Fertilizer Ratio on Yield and Quality of Strawberry in New Double Layer Stereoscopic Cultivation Frame
SONG LanfangHUA MingyanCUI ShaojieTONG YanaKONG WeidongYANG Xiaoling
(Tianjin Facility Agriculture Research Institute,Tianjin 301700)
strawberryyieldqualitydry weight
Taking ‘Benihoppe’ strawberry as test material,the effects of different basal fertilizer ratio of fermented chicken manure and earthworm manure on the yield and quality of strawberry were studied by using a new planting model of two-layer cultivation frame,in order to provide a basis for improving the yield and quality of strawberry spatial soilless culture.The results showed that the volume ratio of substrate to chicken manure was 6∶1,and the yield per 667 m2 was 1 216.05 kg.The volume ratio of substrate to earthworm manure was 4∶1,and the yield per 667 m2 was 1 120.19 kg.There were some differences in fruit quality between different treatments.The best quality was treated with a volume ratio of 4∶1 between substrate and earthworm manure,and the second was treated with a volume ratio of 6∶1 between substrate and chicken manure.The dry weight of the plants treated with chicken manure was generally higher than that treated with earthworm manure.Therefore,the yield and fruit quality of the new double layer stereoscopic cultivation base fertilizer were the best by adding the volume ratio of chicken manure was 6∶1,and the volume ratio of matrix and earthworm manure was 4∶1.


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Last Update: 2020-03-29