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Photo-thermal Effectiveness of Different Tunnel Structure and Covering Material and the Effect on Cucumber Growth


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Photo-thermal Effectiveness of Different Tunnel Structure and Covering Material and the Effect on Cucumber Growth
ZHOU YizhiWANG JunweiCHEN QiongLUO XinhuiLIU Mingyue
(College of Horticulture and Landscape,Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha,Hunan 410128)
plastic tunnel structurecover materialtemperature and light environmentyield of cucumber
‘Severus’ cucumber was used as experimental material and adopted soil-free cultivation in a tunnel.The temperature and light of plastic tunnels with 3 different types of plastic tunnels (symmetrical side window shed A,zigzag top side window shed B and asymmetric top side window shed C) and 3 different covering materials (PE film,PO film and SC film) were observated,and the effects of different treatments on cucumber growth were compared.The structure of the tunnels was optimized and the covering materials was screened to improve the tunnel′s photo-thermal effectiveness and to provide a suitable growth environment for vegetable crops.The results showed that,1) the heat dissipation performance of 3 different structure tunnels B>C>A;the light intensity in the tunnels C>A>B;and the yield of cucumber B>C>A,and the yield of cucumber in tunnel B was 16.71%,higher than tunnel A and the yield of cucumber in tunnel C was 11.2% higher than tunnel A.2) The temperature difference in the tunnels of the 3 different covering materials was caused by the light transparency of the materials and the light transparency directly affected cucumber yield;cucumber yield in tunnels with three different covering materials PO>SC>PE,PO film and SC film significantly increased cucumber yield,the yield per 667 m2 was 8 595 kg and 7 995 kg,which were 29.35% and 21.77% higher than PE film.In summary,the zigzag top side window shed and PO film had the best performance.In order to meet local production needs,a zigzag top side window shed structure should be constructed and covering with PO film for production.


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Last Update: 2020-02-26