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Comparison on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Fargesia setosa and Phyllostachys nigra


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Comparison on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Fargesia setosa and Phyllostachys nigra
LI LiliXING Zhen
(College of Resources and Environment,Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College/Key Laboratory of Forestry Ecological Engineering in Tibet Plateau/Tibet Plateau Biodiversity Protection and Vegetation Restoration Laboratory/National Flower Engineering Center/Tibet Characteristic Flower Cultivation Center, Linzhi, Tibet 860000)
photosynthetic capacitynet photosynthetic ratephotosynthetic effective radiation
Taking Fargesia setosa and Phyllostachys nigra as materials,Li-6400 photosynthetic analyzer was used to measure and analyze their photosynthetic parameters and photoresponse,and the physiological differences between the two bamboo species were further explored through difference analysis and correlation analysis of physiological factors,in order to provide basis for the cultivation and management of the two types of bamboo species.The results showed that,the net photosynthetic rate of these two kinds of bamboos was significant difference.The net photosynthetic rate of Fargesia setosa(Pmax=11.381 μmol·m-2·s-1)was obvious higher than the rate of Phyllostachys nigra(Pmax=3.451 μmol·m-2·s-1).The net photosynthetic rate of Fargesia setosa(Pn)showed increasing trend with the increase of photosynthetically active radiation while Phyllostachys nigra increases first and then decreases.The stomatal conductance(Gs) of Fargesia setosa showed increasing trend with the increase of photosynthetically active radiation while Phyllostachys nigra increases first and then decreases.The intercellular carbon dioxide concentration(Ci)of both Fargesia setosa and Phyllostachys nigra showed obvious decreasing trend.The transpiration rate(Tr) of Fargesia setosa showed increasing trend with the increase of photosynthetically active radiation while Phyllostachys nigra increased first and then decreased.In correlation analysis,the net photosynthetic rate of both Fargesia setosa and Phyllostachys nigra obviously related to carbon dioxide concentration(Ci),stomatal conductance(Gs) and transpiration rate(Tr) while the net photosynthetic rate of Fargesia setosa was affected by water use efficiency(WUE) as well.In general,the photosynthesis characteristics of Fargesia setosa and Phyllostachys nigra were significant different with the variation of photosynthetically active radiation.The potential photosynthetic capacity of Fargesia setosa was much stronger than Phyllostachys nigra,which meant the photosynthetic accumulation capacity of Fargesia setosa was better than Phyllostachys nigra.Compare with Phyllostachys nigra,Fargesia setosa was more adaptive to living environment with illumination and radiation which means Fargesia setosa suits for living on slopes facing south while Phyllostachys nigra suits for living on slopes facing north or half-north.This study provided a reference for the selection and cultivation management of bamboo habitats in the construction of urban landscaping in the Linzhi area of Tibet and in the city of origin.


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Last Update: 2020-07-03