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Comparative Analysis on the Different Mulching Ways and the Thermal Insulation Properties of Solar Greenhouse for Grapevine Overwintering


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Comparative Analysis on the Different Mulching Ways and the Thermal Insulation Properties of Solar Greenhouse for Grapevine Overwintering
LI Yinfang1LI Qi2
(1.Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830011;2.Fukang Meteorological Bureau,Fukang,Xinjiang 831500)
grapevineoverwinteringbilayer mulching plastic filmsingle layer mulching plastic filmsolar greenhousecompensation/deficit temperature
In order to reduce the labor intensity of burying grapevines for overwintering,the values of daily temperature under the overhead bilayer mulching plastic film,close-bilayer mulching plastic film,single mulching plastic film,solar greenhouse and soil burial for grapevine overwintering in Fukang Xinjiang in 2013—2014 winter were measured.The results showed that,when the minimum temperature occurred,the heat preservation of overhead bilayer mulching plastic film was the best,but that of greenhouse was the worst;the minimum temperature under the overhead bilayer mulching plastic film was higher during the cold period but lower during the warm period than that in greenhouse,such situation was advantageous for heat preservation and grapevine germination.The germination date of grapevines under the overhead bilayer mulching plastic film at 10 ℃ was 8 days earlier than that of those buried with soil,thus the cooling off period was shortened,the growing season of grapevine was prolonged,and the grape yield and quality was increased.The greenhouse effect of the overhead bilayer mulching plastic film could be eliminated by lifting the sides to ventilate and reduce temperature.A complete set of techniques for the overhead bilayer mulching plastic film was to carry out the winter irrigation of grapevine and close the sides of plastic film late and to implement the spring irrigation of grapevine and lift the sides of plastic film early.The mulching ways of close-bilayer mulching plastic film and single mulching plastic film were not suitable for grapevine overwintering in the study area.


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Last Update: 2020-02-23