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Effect of Temperature on Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution and Absorption Capacity of Melon Roots


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Effect of Temperature on Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution and Absorption Capacity of Melon Roots
YAO LiYANG ZhongfaWANG Lingrui
(College of Tropical Agriculture,Hainan University,Haikou,Hainan 550228)
melonhigh temperaturematter accumulation and distributionroots
Taking ‘Passion’ melon as the test material,four treatments(OU,HUP,HOP,HOU) were set,the average temperature of the substrate was 40 ℃ were set up,and then the effects of different temperatures on the material distribution,root growth and root activity of melon were analyzed in order to provide a theoretical basis for promoting the root growth and absorption capacity of the melon and slowing down the physiological wilting of it in Hainan.The results showed that HUP inhibited the growth of plant stem and root width at the seedling stage,but promoted the growth of shoot and taproot in the middle and late stages.In all growth stages of melon,the taproot and lateral root length,the root width and the dry matter accumulationof HOP and HOU decreased.The distribution proportion of assimilation products to the shoot was higher than that of the root.The amount of bleeding sap and root activity of HOP and HOU were lower than those of OU and HUP.In summary,high temperature and high temperature on the shoot could inhibit the dry matter distribution of the melon roots,resulting in underdeveloped roots;proper increase of root temperature could promote root growth,root activity and root absorption capacity.


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Last Update: 2019-12-19