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Changes in Endogenous Hormones During Times of Floral Bud Differentiation of Platycladus orientalis


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Changes in Endogenous Hormones During Times of Floral Bud Differentiation of Platycladus orientalis
LI GuangWANG JianhongCHE ShaochenREN Guifang
(Institute of Landscape Plant Protection,Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture,Beijing 100102)
endogenous hormoneregulation of floral bud differentiationtissues developing into cones
Platycladus orientalis was used as raw material,using ELISA method to measure the endogenous hormones contents during times of floral bud differentiation of P.orientalis,in order to provide the deadline and referring agents for controlling pollen pollution of P.orientalis.The results showed that the contents of 6-BA,KT,GA3,GA4,GA7 and ABA increased significantly from June 28th to July 5th in tissues possibly developing into male or female cones,with the lowest 6-BA increasing 2.11 times and the highest GA7 increasing 6.46 times.But,in tissues possibly developing into scale leaves,contents of 6-BA and ABA decreased significantly,contents of KT,GA4 and GA7 also increased significantly which markedly lower than contents increased in tissues possibly developing into male and female cones,and contents of GA3 remained constant from June 28th to July 5th.The content of ZT decreased slowly from the beginning of June to the lowest level on July 5th,while the content of IAA increased slowly from the beginning of June to the highest level on July 5th in tissues possibly developing into cones and scales.The content of Zr remained unchanged from mid-May to mid-July in tissues possibly developing into cone,but the content decreased significantly on July 5th,with 0.67 times of the content on June 28th,in tissues possibly developing into scaly leaves.The changes in endogenous hormones inferred that the initiation time of flower bud differentiation of P.orientalis was around July 5.High levels of 6-BA,GA3,GA4 and ABA,but low levels of Zr,were beneficial to flower bud differentiation of P.orientalis.


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Last Update: 2019-12-11