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Effect of Seven Plant Straws on the Growth of Continuous Cropping Tomato and the Activity of Soil Enzyme


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Effect of Seven Plant Straws on the Growth of Continuous Cropping Tomato and the Activity of Soil Enzyme
LI ZengliangREN JingLIANG XinyuZHANG GuohuiPAN Kai
(College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150030)
strawcontinuous croppingthe growth of tomatoorganic mattersoil enzymes
With seven kinds of different crop straw residues as material,using randomized block design,different straws were added in the soil of continuous cropping tomato for 10 years,the control was the soil without the straw residues,a total of eight treatments.The effect of different straws for tomato continuous cropping soil on tomato growth and soil enzymes and the root-knot nematode were studied,in order to provide a theoretical basis for the ecological control of root-knot nematode and the overcoming of continuous cropping obstacles.The results showed that the tomato grew the most healthy for the treatment of maize and onion straw.The addition of different crop straws could increase soil pH and reduce soil EC value,which was beneficial to improve soil environment.Adding marigold straw could increase the content of soil organic matter,which was significantly higher than the control on 50th day.Adding different crop straws at each sampling period had different effects on soil enzyme activity.And on 30th day, urease and invertase activity of the treatments of marigold and Jerusalem artichoke straw was significantly higher than the control. On 40th day, neutral phosphatase and invertase activity of the treatments of the maize and marigold straw was significantly higher than control. On 50th day,the neutral phosphatase and invertase activity of the treatments of onion and garlic straw was significantly lower than control.On 60th day, neutral phosphatase activity of maize and wheat straw was significantly higher than control.On 70th day, invertase activity of the treatments of wheat, maize and tomato straw was significantly higher than control and neutral phosphatase activity of each treatment made no differences.And we made simple correlation among soil enzymes and organic matter,pH and EC.The results showed that urease and neutral phosphatase activity showed very significant negative correlation with pH,and significant positive correlated to the EC,and were very significant positive correlation of urease and organic matter.Onion straw significantly inhibited the number of tomato root knots.In conclusion,adding a certain amount of onion straw into tomato continuous cropping soil can significantly promote tomato growth,improve soil environment,and have a certain control effect on root knot nematodes.


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Last Update: 2019-10-30