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Molecular Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of Avidin Gene (Leav1) in Lentinus edodes


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Molecular Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of Avidin Gene (Leav1) in Lentinus edodes
FU YajuanWU ZhiyanQIAO JieHOU XiaoqiangMA Lizhi
(College of Life Science,Langfang Normal University/Technical Innovation Center for Utilization of Edible and Medicinal Fungi in Hebei Province/Edible and Medicinal Fungi Research and Development Center of Hebei Universities,Langfang,Hebei 065000)
Lentinus edodesavidinRT-PCRstructural characteristicsphylogenetic evolution
A lentiavidin 1 gene(Leav1) was identified from Lentinus edodes,based on Reverse Transcription-PCR (RT-PCR).The molecular characteristics and genetic relationship of avidins from different organisms were comparatively analyzed.The results showed that cDNA sequence of Leav1 was 459 bp,encoding a protein of 152 amino acids.The amino acid composition of avidins from bacteria,fungi and vertebrates ranged from 126 to 183.Their relative molecular weight was from 13.24 kDa to 18.84 kDa.The oretical isoelectric point were 3.90-9.69.The L.edodes Lentiavidin 1 possessed the lowest isoelectric point to date(3.90).Multiple sequence alignment revealed that the amino acids residues of avidin domains were from 107 to 120 in length.Lentiavidin 1 showed different homologies to those avidins from different organisms,ranging from 26% to 54%,but most of the conserved residues were associated with biotin binding activity.In system evolutionary relationship,L.edodes Lentiavidin was closer to Tamavidin of Pleurotus cornucopiae.The exploration of molecular characteristics and genentic raletionship of avidins are of great significance to elucidate their biological functions in the future.


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Last Update: 2019-08-19