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Evaluation of Introduction Adaptability and Ornamental Value of Eight Kinds of Wild Flowers in Jiamusi City


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Evaluation of Introduction Adaptability and Ornamental Value of Eight Kinds of Wild Flowers in Jiamusi City
QI Haiyan1LI Yanjie2WU Dongmei3ZHAO Peipei4CHENG Haitao1SUN Rui1
(1.School of Life Sciences,Jiamusi University,Jiamusi,Heilongjiang 154007;2.Experimental Animal Center,Jiamusi University,Jiamusi,Heilongjiang 154007;3.School of Pharmacy,Jiamusi University,Jiamusi,Heilongjiang 154007;4.Jiamusi City Garden Scenic Area Management Office,Jiamusi,Heilongjiang 154002)
wild flowersornamental valueintroductionevaluationlandscape application
Eight kinds of wild flowers,such as Heteropappus hispidus,Crepis tectorum,Cichorium intybus,Inula japonica,Cirsium setosum,Angelica amurensis,Hypericum ascyron and Potentilla chinensis,were introduced in Jiamusi.The morphological characteristics,growth habits and adaptability of the eight kinds of wild flowers were observed and recorded.The introduction adaptability scoring system of the eight target materials was constructed by four main factors,oversummering,overwintering,growth potential and resistance to diseases and insect pests.Constructing an evaluation system of ornamental value for eight kinds of target flowers with sixteen indicators in four aspects including flower characteristics,flower quantitative trait,other traits and introduction adaptability.The fine wild species that can be applied to landscaping according to the scores of ornamental value and introduction adaptability were screened out.The results showed that Heteropappus hispidus,Hypericum ascyron,Cichorium intybus,Inula japonica and Cirsium setosum had higher ornamental value and score of introduction adaptability was over 90 scores,so they could be applied to gardens as excellent ornamental plants.The ornamental value of Crepis tectorum was general,but its effect of slice value get a high score and introduction adaptability even get a full score,so it was suitable for extensive management of forest edge and flower lawn.The ornamental value of Angelica amurensis and Potentilla chinensis was low,so it was not recommended to apply them in large quantities to urban gardens in Jiamusi.


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Last Update: 2019-08-12