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Micropropagation of Sexual Triploid Hybrid Cymbidium ‘Huanghe’(PDF)


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Micropropagation of Sexual Triploid Hybrid Cymbidium ‘Huanghe’
XU Shiying1LI Yingxue1WU You1ZHU Jiao1GUO Herong12ZENG Ruizhen12
(1.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510642;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Breeding,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510642)
hybrid Cymbidiumsexual polyploidrhizomemicropropagation
In order to establish the technical system of micropropagation of sexual triploid hybrid Cymbidium ‘Huanghe’,the test-tube seedlings were employed to investigate the factors influencing on induction,proliferation and differentiation of rhizome,seedling strengthening and transplantation by using of tissue culture rapid propagation method.The results showed that the initial dedifferentiation time of shoot tip with transverse cutting was earlier and the induction rate was higher than that with longitudinal cutting.The length of rhizome,combination of exogenous hormone,light intensity and organic additives had significant effects on rhizome proliferation,and when rhizomes with 0.50 cm in length were inoculated on MS+6-BA 1.00 mg?L-1+NAA 0.20 mg?L-1+potato 80.00 g?L-1+sucrose 30.00 g?L-1+AC 0.30 g?L-1 and cultured at 26 ℃ under 1 000 lx light intensity for 40 days,the proliferation coefficient was the highest (3.18).Combination of exogenous hormone significantly affected rhizome differentiation,and when rhizomes in 1.00 cm length were inoculated on MS+6-BA 1.00 mg?L-1+NAA 0.20 mg?L-1+sucrose 20.00 g?L-1+AC 0.02 g?L-1 and cultured at 26 ℃ under 2 000 lx light intensity for 40 days,the bud and seedling differentiation rates were 60.00% and 57.50%,respectively.When seedlings with 4.0 cm high were inoculated on 1/2MS+6-BA 0.10 mg?L-1+NAA 0.50 mg?L-1+sucrose 20.00 g?L-1+AC 0.50 g?L-1 and cultured at 26 ℃ under 2 000 lx light intensity for 50 days,the average seedling height and mean number of root were 7.32 cm and 3.56,respectively.The transplantation survival rate of seedlings in April and October was 98.67% and 99.67%,respectively by using of moss as culture substance.The above results demonstrate that it was feasible to produce seedlings of Cymbidium ‘Huanghe’ by the use of tissue culture rapid propagation technology.


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Last Update: 2019-05-31