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Poor Households′ Participation in Tourism Precision Poverty Alleviation Behavior in Agricultural and Pastoral Areas of Xinjiang


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Poor Households′ Participation in Tourism Precision Poverty Alleviation Behavior in Agricultural and Pastoral Areas of Xinjiang
LI GuangmingLIU Danyu
(College of Economics & Management,Shihezi University,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832003)
agricultural and pastoral areas in Xinjiangtourism precision poverty alleviationpoor householdstheory of planned behaviordouble threshold model
Taking the poor households in the agricultural and pastoral areas of Xinjiang as the research object,the participation behavior of poor households was studied by adopting the theoretical model of planned behavior and the method of double threshold model,so as to put forward the path of poverty reduction.The results showed that whether farmers and herdsmen participate in tourism poverty alleviation was based on their willingness to participate.In the personal characteristics of poor households,family entrepreneurship,per capita net income and general electricity had positive promotion effects on participating in tourism precise poverty alleviation,while poverty caused by distance from village main roads,migrant workers and insufficient ideological motivation had negative effects on participating in tourism precise poverty alleviation.Among the behavioral norms,mandatory norms and demonstrative norms,cooperative attitudes had a good prospect in tourism precision poverty alleviation,and perceived behavioral control had a positive impact on farmers and herdsmen participating in tourism precision poverty alleviation.


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Last Update: 2019-09-25