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Construction of Fingerprint of Viburnum Bean Based on SSR Marker


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Construction of Fingerprint of Viburnum Bean Based on SSR Marker
CHEN QifuLI YanmeiLI JiayinHU YanqiuWANG HuanliFENG Guojun
(Crop Research Institute,Heilongjiang University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150080)
SSRsnap beansfingerprintcluster analysis
The 14 bean cultivars were used as materials,14 SSR molecular markers were used to study the genetic diversity and specific fingerprints were established,in order to establish a new reference for the identification of snap beans in the future,it also provided a reference method of molecular biology for identifying and classifying the germplasm resources of the snap beans.The results showed that 18 of 74 pairs of SSR primers showed polymorphisms in snap bean samples,and 5 SSR primers(BM200,PVBR269,PVBR6,BM141,BM154) were selected for fingerprint establishment and genetic cluster analysis of 14 bean varieties.The results of clustering showed that 14 snap bean cultivars were divided into two groups at the similarity coefficient of 0.64.The clustering results also suggested that the genetic distance both of ‘Heizhenzhu’ and ‘Huangjingou’ was the closest,with a similarity coefficient of 0.98.To construct the fingerprint of the snap beans had a great useful value for identifying the germplasm resources of the snap beans,the selection of parent,increasing the efficiency of breeding and intellectual property protection.


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Last Update: 2019-06-03