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Role of miRNAs in Tomato Under Potassium Deficiency Stress


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Role of miRNAs in Tomato Under Potassium Deficiency Stress
ZHAO Xiaoming12ZHANG Ning2AN Xinyue2
(1.College of Agronomy,Jilin Agriculture Science and Technology University,Jilin,Jilin 132101;2.College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
tomatoK+-deficiency stressmiRNAstarget gene
High-throughput sequencing was performed using two tomato genotypes root (low-K+ sensitive JZ18 and low-K+ tolerant JZ34),and bioinformatics analysis was carried out according to the test results,in order to provide reference for studying key miRNAs in response to K+-deficiency stress.The results showed that the miRNAs (miR167b,miR167g-5p,miR168a,miR171b) were significantly expression and opposite expressed in the roots of the two genotypes under K+-deficiency stress.The gene expression was verified by real-time quantity (qRT-PCR),and the target gene was further predicted and functionally studied to confirm that miR168a had a negative regulatory relationship with its target gene SlAGO1,and was involved in the regulation of K+-deficiency stress response in tomato.


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Last Update: 2019-05-27