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Effects of Different Nitrogen Top Dressing Application Ratio on the Content of Betaine and Related Enzymes in Lycium barbarum L.


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Effects of Different Nitrogen Top Dressing Application Ratio on the Content of Betaine and Related Enzymes in Lycium barbarum L.
LIU Genhong1ZHENG Guoqi2ZHOU Jiarui1WANG Xiaoyu1
(1.College of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yingchuan,Ningxia 750021;2.College of Life Science,Ningxia University,Yingchuan,Ningxia 750021)
betainenitrogen top dressing application ratioenzymes
To study the relationship between the ratio of nitrogen fertilizer applied and the content of betaine and its metabolic key enzymes in Lycium barbarum L.four different top dressing nitrogen fertilizer applicationratio levels,namely 1∶1,2∶1∶1,3∶1 and 3∶2∶1 were adoptedby taking the five-year-old ‘Ningqi No.7’ as the test material.The results showed that the ratio of top dressing nitrogen fertilizer application had a significant effect on the photosynthetic rate of Lycium barbarum L..The average photosynthetic rate was relatively high at 2∶1∶1 during the whole growth period,which indicated that the relatively balanced application of nitrogen fertilizer was beneficial to the photosynthetic rate.The content of monooxygenase would be increased in Lycium barbarum L.,while nitrogen fertilizer applicationdelayed,otherwise,too much nitrogen in the early or late growing stages.Application nitrogen evenly contributed to accumulation of betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase(BADH) during growing season.The betaine content was directly related to the amount of nitrogen applied at different times,and the content was higher along with the nitrogen applied higher.The yield of Lycium barbarum L.was the highest at 2∶1∶1 with the ratio of nitrogen fertilizer applied,which was 276 kg per 667 m2(dry weight).


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Last Update: 2019-04-22