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Effect of Different Ratio of Mushroom Residue Mixture on the Cucumber Yield and Quality(PDF)


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Effect of Different Ratio of Mushroom Residue Mixture on the Cucumber Yield and Quality
ZHANG Ying1MU Sen1ZHANG Jinmei1BAI Xue1WANG Hong2
(1.College of Life Science,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110034;2.Institute of Horticulture,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai 201403)
cucumbermushroom residueyieldqualitysoilless culture
‘Zhongnong 26’ cucumber was used as materials,the experiment was carried out by mixed of the mushroom residue,peat and vermiculite in different ratio,there were 3 treatments,T1 (mushroom residue∶peat∶vermiculite=2∶1∶1,ratio of volume),T2 (mushroom residue∶peat∶vermiculite=1∶1∶1,ratio of volume),T3 (mushroom residue).The peat and vermiculite(2∶1) was taken as control(CK),the effect of different ratio of mixtures on the cucumber yield and quality were studied.The results showed that the EC of T3 was too high to cucumber growth,but mixed with peat and vermiculite,it was suitable for the cucumber growth.There were statistically significant in diameter increase,leaf number increase and yield between T2 and CK;the soluble sugar,vitamin C contents of T1 were increased 2.60%,35.71% compared with CK,the titratable acid and nitrate contents of T1 were 47.5%,21.32% lower than those of CK.The results showed that both T1 and T2 could be used for cucumber production facilities.


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Last Update: 2019-06-24