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Effects of Different Garlic Intercropping Periods on Tomato Rhizosphere Soil Microbes


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Effects of Different Garlic Intercropping Periods on Tomato Rhizosphere Soil Microbes
LIU Suhui 1 Xu Jinqiang1QIN Xu1WEI Hui1 CHEN Kun2
(1.Garden Department of Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University,Jinan,Shandong 250100;2.Institute of Vegetable Crops of Shangqiu Academy of agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Shangqiu, Henan 476000)
tomato garlic relay intercropping microorganism
With tomato variety ’Routh’ and garlic variety ’Cangshan white garlic’ as the test materials, treatments were set up by the random area arrangement design method, which were treated with single cropping garlic as control (D1), single cropping tomato as treatment 1 (D2) tomato was planted by 0 day after planting garlic as treatment 2 (B1),tomato was planted by 15 days after planting garlic as treatment 3 (B2),tomato was planted by 30 days after planting garlic as treatment 4 (B3),to study the effects of different garlic periods on soil microorganism in tomato rhizosphere soil.The results showed that the number of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, nitrate bacteria, ammoniacal bacteria and vulcanized bacteria in the rhizosphere soil of Tomato under different garlic periods reached a very significant level (P<0.01) with the control of monoculture tomatoes and the treatment of single cropping garlic. The number of bacteria, actinomycetes, nitrate bacteria and ammoniacal bacteria increased first and then decreased, the number of bacteria and actinomycetes reached the maximum at 100 days, and the treatment of B1, B2 and B3 increased by 83.06%, 63.75%, 44.65% and 52.46%, 11.32%, 29.50%, respectively, and nitrate and ammoniacal bacteria. The number reached the maximum when treated at 70 days, and B1, B2 and B3 increased 132.51%, 105.56%, 74.50% and 70%, 50.36%, 37.54%,respectively. Fungal and sulfur-oxidizing were gradually increased with the growth period, and reached the maximum when treated with 130 days, and the treatment of B1, B2 and B3 increased by 87.44%, 67.98%, 62.64% and 154.34%, 151.08% and 148.53%, respectively. The effect of different garlic periods on the number of rhizosphere microorganisms in tomato was different. The number of rhizosphere microorganisms in tomato plant was significantly higher than that of monoculture tomato and single cropping garlic. The 15 days garlic set after tomato planting was the most beneficial to the increase of rhizosphere microorganism, which was beneficial to the improvement of Soil Microenvironment in the rhizosphere of tomato.



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Last Update: 2018-05-15