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Identification for Flooding Stress Tolerance and Selection for Indexes of Watermelon Root Stock at Seedling Stage


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Identification for Flooding Stress Tolerance and Selection for Indexes of Watermelon Root Stock at Seedling Stage
CHEN JieGAO QinghaiMA HengyuCAO Xiao
College of Life Sciences, Anhui Science and Technology University, Bengbu, Anhui 233100
watermelon root stock flooding stress flooding tolerance membership function
In order to establish of waterlogging tolerance identification method for watermelon rootstock by the method of simulation flooding stress,the morphological and photosynthetic indexes of rootstocks under flooding stress were studied on the basis of collecting 12 watermelon rootstocks. The effects of waterlogging on growth and photosynthetic physiology of watermelon seedlings were studied, in order to provide the reference for the screening of watermelon rootstock waterlogging. The results showed that in the identification of flooding stress tolerance at seedling stage, according to the membership function method and the cluster statistical analysis, the root length, dry weight, root dry weight, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate were better for flooding stress tolerance identification. The membership value of ’Japan Cedar’ was the highest and its flooding stress tolerance was the best, and the membership value of ’Anvil’ is the lowest, which was more susceptible to flooding stress tolerance.


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Last Update: 2018-03-01