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Effect of Applied Different Humic Acid Compound Fertilizer on  Yield and Quality of Processing Tomatoes Under  Mulch Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang


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Effect of Applied Different Humic Acid Compound Fertilizer on  Yield and Quality of Processing Tomatoes Under  Mulch Drip Irrigation in Xinjiang
LI Li1HAO Li1RE Fukaiti1HE Mingcai2LIU Hongping3
(1.Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences/Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology and Desert Environment,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830011; 2.Xinjiang Tunhe Co.Ltd.,Changji,Xinjiang 831100;3.Xinjiang Zhongnonghongyuan Co.Ltd.,Shihezi,Xinjiang 832000)
under-mulch drip irrigation humic acid compound fertilizer processing tomato yield quality
Tomato was used as the test material,the effects of different application rates and ratios of different humic acid compound fertilizers on yield,quality index and economic benefit of processing tomato were compared under mulch drip irrigation,in order to determine the appropriate dosage and method for the application of humic acid fertilizer for processing tomato in Xinjiang.The results showed that increasing humic acid compound fertilizer could improve the processing tomato boll number per plant,the single fruit weight and yield.The number of the fruit number per plant increase was the main factor of yield increase. Humic acid compound fertilizer significantly influenced on contents of soluble solids,lycopene,nitrate and nitrite,total acid,total sugar and vitamin C and pH of processing tomatoes.Potassium sulfate and potassium chloride on the quality difference,potassium sulfate was mainly manifested on lycopene,nitrate,total acid,potassium chloride was mainly embodied in the solid content,pH,total sugar and vitamin C content.The potassium sulfate was appropriate in the basal fertilizer.Potassium chloride was suitable in the topdressing fertilizer. In terms of comprehensive performance appropriate formula in the range of processing tomato humic acid compound fertilizer that were N-P-K=9-17-12,humic acid compound was 17.5 kg,trace element was 0.5 kg,organic matter was 12.5 kg,bentonite was 7.5 kg.The ratio of humic acid compound fertilizer could be used for based fertilizer.The content of humic acid compound fertilizer was 600 kg?hm-2.According to the formula for N was 115 g?L-1;K was 50 g?L-1; humic acid was 161 g?L-1,trace elements was 0.3 g?L-1 of the compound fertilizer as the topdressing period of fertilizer,fertilizer once every 7 days,according to 2 100 L?hm-2.The yield increased 10.73% than control (no humic acid compound fertilizer).
















Last Update: 2018-05-03