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Effects of Different Fertilization on the Number of Soil Microbiologic and  Soil Enzyme Activities(PDF)


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Effects of Different Fertilization on the Number of Soil Microbiologic and  Soil Enzyme Activities
TAO MenghuiSUO QuanyiZHANG ShuguangHOU Jianwei
(College of Ecology and Environmental Science,Inner Mongolia Agriculture University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010019)
organic fertilizerchemical fertilizermicroformenzymatic activity
The effect of using chemical fertilizer,organic fertilizer,biological organic fertilizer,organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer,chemical fertilizer combined with biological organic fertilizer and no fertilizer treatment on the number of soil microbiologic and soil enzyme activities were investigated through an outdoor pots experiment.The results showed that using the biological organic fertilizer,the number of soil bacteria were 15.5%-43.1% and 3.5%-6.4% higher than chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer treatments and the number of actinomycetes were 58.2%-94.4% and 9.8%-24.8% higher than chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer treatments.But the numbers of fungus are 22.8%-59.5% and 8.9%-19.3% than chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer treatments.Biological organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer treatment had the highest urease activities.Biological organic fertilizer treatment had the highest number of phosphatase activities,1.6%-37.4% higher than organic fertilizer treatment and 3.2%-38.9% higher than chemical fertilizer treatment.Biological organic fertilizer treatment has the highest sucrose activities,50.9%-292.4% higher than organic fertilizer treatment and 67.6%-456.3% higher than chemical fertilizer treatment.Each treatment has small effect on the catalase activities.Using biological organic fertilizer can improve the soil microflora,raise the enzymatic activity and increase the soil fertility.





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Last Update: 2017-05-17