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Components and Content of Flower Pigments in the Petals of  Different Color Lilium Species(PDF)


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Components and Content of Flower Pigments in the Petals of  Different Color Lilium Species
ZHI YajingWANG WenheLENG PingshengZHANG Kezhong
(College of Landscape Architecture,Beijing University of Agriculture/Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-environmental Improvement With Forestry and Fruit Trees/Beijing Laboratory of Urban and Rural Ecological Environment,Beijing 102206)
Lilium brownieflower pigmentscomponentcontent
The petals of 20 Lilium cultivars belonging to four strains were used as tested materials.The color description,chromogenic reaction and UV-visible spectra of flower pigments were performed to research the imparity of pigment types in different Lilium species.The contents of carotenoids,anthocyanins and flavonoids were determined by GB/12291-90 method,pH-differential spectrophotometry and NaNO2-AlCl3 method.All of those were studied in order to provide a theoretical reference for the separation and identification of lily pigments and the cultivation of new varieties of lily.The results showed that there were significant differences in the pigments types of lily flower.The pigments of yellow and orange petals were carotenoids and flavonoids;the pigments of red petals were anthocyanins and flavonoids,some species only contained carotenoids.There was only flavonoids in the pigments of white petals.There were significant differences in contents of the flower pigments in the same color.‘Batistero’ was the highest content of anthocyanins,the content of carotenoids in ‘Monte Negro’ was the highest,and the content of flavonoids in ‘White Heaven’ was the highest.







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Last Update: 2017-05-12