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Expression Analysis of Pea Actin Isoform (PEAc3) Under  Different Drought Conditions(PDF)


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Expression Analysis of Pea Actin Isoform (PEAc3) Under  Different Drought Conditions
ZHANG MeihuaCUI YueZHANG Shaobin
(Biological Science and Technology College,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
peaactin isoformreal-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR
Pea seedlings were used as experimental materials,and the expression of PEAc3 was studied under different concentrations of PEG 6000 by using semi quantitative RT-PCR and real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR technique,which made a good foundation for understanding the molecular mechanism of drought resistance in pea seedlings and select pea cultivars of drought tolerant.The results showed that compared with the normal water supply,the expression of PEAc3 gene was significantly increased under 20% PEG 6000 and a slight increase under 15% PEG 6000,and was not changed below 10% PEG 6000.However,the expression of PEAc3 gene was decreased under 25% PEG 6000.The expression of PEAc3 gene in different drought conditions showed that the PEAc3 gene might be involved in the physiological and biochemical process of the pea seedling adaptation to drought stress,and the gene might be used for the molecular screening of the drought resistance of pea.




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Last Update: 2017-05-05