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Breeding of Reblooming Bearded Iris(PDF)


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Breeding of Reblooming Bearded Iris
FAN ZhupingGAO YikeRUAN LiliLI CongcongLIU RongZHANG Qixiang
College of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083
rebloomingbearded Irisbreeding
The reblooming bearded Irises refer to those bloom during spring and autumn until November.They could enrich the color and landscape of autumn,the ornamental values of which are much higher than the ordinary bearded Irises.According to different differentiation modes of floral buds,the reblooming bearded Irises could be divided into 4 categories,namely direct rebloomers,fall cyclic rebloomers,extended season rebloomers and whenever rebloomers.Since the emergence of reblooming bearded Iris at the end of nineteenth century,the number of cultivars registered on the Reblooming Iris Society of America had reached 2 200 by the year 2012.The current cultivars have wide petals,rich colors,and stable reblooming features.In the future,the breeding of Irises can be combined with the mapping populations construction,molecular markers and genetic linkage mapping to minimize the breeding period and blindness,thus generating more bearded Irises with strong resistance,high ornamental values and rebloomimg stability.



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Last Update: 2017-11-15