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Characteristics and Research Progress of Cyperus esculent(PDF)


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Characteristics and Research Progress of Cyperus esculent
YANG Zhenle
Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences/Key Lab of Plant Resources,Beijing 100093
Cyperus esculentustubersuperiority characteristicsapplicationfoodedible oil
Cyperus esculentus is currently found as a special economic crop with high accumulation of oil in its tuber tissues.Tubers of C.esculentus can be eaten raw or roasted,or ground to make a refreshing drink like milk and milled into flour.The tubers can be also used to produce edible oil,and the residual cake can be further applied for making sugar and wine,while sugar residue and lees are favorable feed.Leaves of C.esculentus can be used as green manure and forage,and are also good materials for paper making,packing and weaving.Therefore,C.esculentus integrates the food,oil and fodder as a whole with a high value of comprehensive utilization.As the low recognition of this kind of crop in China,it is worthy of promoting and popularizing the knowledge of C.esculentus.This article mainly introduced the characteristics and economic value as well as research progress of the crop,and also discussed the problems in the investigation regarding C.esculentus.



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