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Cloning and Quantitative Expression Analysis of PbChi II Gene in Pyrus bretschneideri ‘Yali’(PDF)


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Cloning and Quantitative Expression Analysis of PbChi II Gene in Pyrus bretschneideri ‘Yali’
LI PeingpengYE JiaFU WeiQIAO LijuanLI Danhua
College of Life Science and Engineering,Handan College,Handan,Hebei 056005
Pyrus bretschneideri ‘Yali’chitinase genegene cloningquantitative expression
The CDS of PbChiⅡ was cloned from ‘Yali’ using qRT-PCR method,phylogenetic tree was clustered by MEGA 6.0 based on amino acid of PbChiⅡ and known chitinase gene of other plants.At the same time,gene expression levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR method for ‘Yali’ in different organs and the expression after treatment with SA(salicylic acid)and Botryosphaeria berengeriana de.Not.f.sp.piricola (Nose) Koganecawa et.Sokwwa.The results showed that cDNA lengths of PbChiⅡ gene was 969 bp,the nucleotide sequence and the induced amino acids had 100% homology with Pyrus pyrifolia,this gene belonged to Ⅱ chitinase gene.The expression of PbChiⅡ in roots and fruits were higher,the expression of the gene could be induced by SA and pathogen.In addition,the expression was enhanced and up to the peak at 48 hours after treatment with SA and pathogen.It was speculated that PbChiⅡ might be involved in SA-mediated basic signaling pathway of plant defense responses and the defense responses mediated by B.berengeriana.f.sp.Piricola.


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Last Update: 2017-09-29