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Effects of Global Warming on Grape and Wine Quality(PDF)


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Effects of Global Warming on Grape and Wine Quality
LIU Min1MIN Zhuo1JU Yanlun1ZHAO Xianfang1FANG Yulin12
(1.College of Enology,Northwest A&F University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100;2.Shaanxi Engineering Research Center for Viti-viniculture,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100)
global warmingharvest timesugar concentrationanthocyaninaroma compound
Global warming is exerting an increasingly profound influence on grape harvest time and composition,and ultimately affects vinifications,wine microbiology and chemistry,and sensory aspects.The increasing temperature advanced harvest time in many wine regions,increased grape sugar concentrations,potassium levels and pH,reduced acidities and total anthocyanin contents,and modified varietal aroma compounds.High temperature promoted reproduction of the microorganisms on surfaces of berries,and made alcoholic fermentation slow or suspend.The oxidation speed of musts could be accelerated by warming,which caused color browning and oxidative smell in wines.Musts with high sugar concentrations caused a stress response in yeast,which led to increased formation of fermentation co-products,such as acetic acid and glycerol.The high potassium concentrations could cause the suspending of alcoholic fermentation,and meanwhile reduced the solubility of potassium tartrate.The high pH caused significant changes in the microbial ecology of musts and wines,and increased the risk of spoilage.The high alcohol levels of wines could suppress malolactic fermentation,and make organoleptic degradation.



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Last Update: 2017-03-23