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Effect of Spraying TDZ on Growth and Flowering of Dendrobium ‘Nopporn pink’(PDF)


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Effect of Spraying TDZ on Growth and Flowering of Dendrobium ‘Nopporn pink’
ZHANG Dongxue12LIAO Yi2LU Shunjiao2LI Chonghui2LIAN Hua1YIN Junmei2
(1.College of Agronomy,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing,Heilongjiang 163319;2.Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences,Danzhou,Hainan 571737)
TDZDendrobium ‘Nopporn pink’growthflowering
Dendrobium ‘Nopporn pink’ was used as experimental material,by applying the different concentrations of TDZ,effects of growth and flowering of Den. ‘Nopporn pink’ were studied.The results showed that the application of TDZ could significantly improve the flower bud germination rate of Den. ‘Nopporn pink’.Large quantities of flower buds started out after 30 days of treatment,and the flower bud germination rate was up to 91.43% at 60 days of TDZ 30 mg?L-1,while the control was only 46.15%.Besides,the application of TDZ could significantly increase the number of inflorescence per plant,the maximum amount was up to 3.80 branches per plant.However,high concentration of TDZ could lead to the inflorescence shortening,reduce the flower number of single inflorescence,and make the flowers smaller and even deformed.The results suggested that the application of TDZ 30 mg?L-1 had the best effect on promoting growth,making flowering time earlier and improving the flower quality.Meanwhile,the results of this study also provided a technical reference for Dendrobium flowering regulation and could increase the economic value.





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Last Update: 2017-03-23