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Research Progress on Prevention and Control Techniques of Continuous Cropping Obstacle in Facility Soil(PDF)


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Research Progress on Prevention and Control Techniques of Continuous Cropping Obstacle in Facility Soil
MIAO Qisong12ZHANG Cong1GUANG Jianfang1CHEN Lihua1SHAO Xiaohou1ZHANG Yanyan2
(1.Water Resources and Hydropower College,Hehai University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210098;2.Nanjing Institute of Vegetable Science,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095)
continuous cropping obstaclesirrigation and fertilizationmicrobial agentsprevention and control
With the development of Chinese modern agriculture,large-scale specific crops planted continuously on limited land resources, resulted in a large area of continuous cropping obstacles. According to the continuous cropping obstacle, there has been a lot of researches, such as the use of soil sterilization technology, crop rotation, intercropping, intercropping, anti cropping varieties selection and grafting cultivation, irrigation and fertilization, biological control and strong reducing soil sterilization etc.Although these methods have certain control effects, but there are also shortcomings, so efficient, sustainable, multi-functional prevention and control methods are still the research focus of facilities soil continuous cropping obstacle prevention and control technology.





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Last Update: 2017-08-31