‘Jinqing No.2’ is a new F1 hybrid Chinese cabbage variety with late-autumn maturity,which was developed using male sterile line 96-14-6-2 as a female parent and self-incompatible line 88-13-8 as a male parent.Its vegetative period is 85-90 days.The variety has some characters like these,strong growth vigor,dark green outer leaves,light green petioles,yellow inner leaves,straight type with a relax central part.It is 64.3 cm in height,67.7 cm in width,and the head compact index is 90.4,single head weighs 3.3 kg,net vegetable ratio is 69.2%,its yield reaches 92 475 kg?hm-2.It has a fine feature,low content of fiber,high contents of vitamin and dry matter.‘Jinqing No.2’ is suitable for planting in autumn in most areas of China for strong resistance to diseases and good commodity etc.