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Effect of Soil Ammonia Volatilization of Different Nitrogen Treatments on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth of the Radish(PDF)


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Effect of Soil Ammonia Volatilization of Different Nitrogen Treatments on Seed Germination and Early Seedling Growth of the Radish
WANG QingfangYUAN WeilingDENG XiaohuiGAN CaixiaCUI Lei
(Institute of Economic Crop,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science,Wuhan,Hubei 430064)
radishammonia volatilizationurease inhibitorsseed germinationearly seedling growth
Radish was used as test material,in the case of urea fertilizer,soil ammonia volatilization and the effect of the ammonia toxicity on seed germination percentage and early seedling growth with the application of urease inhibitors NBPT,PPD and HQ were studied,to provide reference for nitrogen use efficiency for field.The results showed that application of urease inhibitors significantly reduced soil ammonia volatilization,promoted seed germination and early seedling growth of radish.NBPT was the most effective inhibitor,followed by PPD and HQ.Root growth of the radish was more seriously inhibited by ammonia volatilization than shoot growth,suggesting that the roots of the radish were more sensitive to ammonia toxicity than the shoots.Therefore,application of urease inhibitors,reducing rate of urea applied at sowing significantly alleviated ammonia toxicity of the radish to some extent,improved the germination rate of the radish and promoted its growth.



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Last Update: 2016-09-13