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Preliminary Research on Antifungal Effect of Extracts From Garland Chrysanthemum on Watermelon Blight(PDF)


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Preliminary Research on Antifungal Effect of Extracts From Garland Chrysanthemum on Watermelon Blight
LIU QiongZHANG XinlongFAN Shuying
(College of Agronomy,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330045)
garland chrysanthemumwatermelon blightantifungal mechanismconductivity
Taking garland chrysanthemum powder as material,the effect of extracts from garland chrysanthemum with different concentration of 0、MIC、EC50 and MFC on watermelon blight was explored by measuring the conductivity of conidial suspension,mycelium contents (total sugar and soluble protein content),leakage of mycelial nucleic acid,mycelial change of dry and wet weight.The results showed that the conductivity increased significantly after the addition of extracts from garland chrysanthemum to conidial suspension and the relative conductivity of liquid medium was 0.27 mS?cm-1 in the treatment EC50.Developing for a period of time,total sugar and soluble protein content in the mycelia were lower,in addition,mycelial biomass remarkablely decreased with wet weight 64.34% and dry weight 78.63% less than the control under MFC treatment.







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Last Update: 2016-08-17