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Resistant Strains of JB13 Enhanced Enrichment of Lead and Cadmium in Tall Fescue(PDF)


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Resistant Strains of JB13 Enhanced Enrichment of Lead and Cadmium in Tall Fescue
JIN ZhongminLI DanPAN LinZHU KunLIU LijieZHAO Jingtong
(College of Life Science and Agruiculture and Forestry,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar,Heilongjiang 161006)
tall fescuePb and Cd resistant strainheavy metal
In order to find a more effective way of the restoration of heavy metal contaminated soil,Pb,Cd resistant strain (JB13) combined with Festuca arundinace was used as the experimental material,the effects of the combined-restoration of plant with microbes were studied.The results showed that the biomass of the Festuca arundinace was decreased by Pb,Cd and the inhibition was stronger of the above-ground parts of the plants than that of the under-ground parts and the inhibition of Cd to the Festuca arundinace was stronger than that of the Pb.The ability to accumulate the single heavy metal Pb or Cd as well as the combined heavy metal Pb and Cd was both stronger of the above-ground parts of Festuca arundinace than that of the under-ground parts.Pb,Cd resistant strain (JB13) could improve the ability of the accumulation of heavy metals of the Festuca arundinace.





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Last Update: 2016-07-06