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Preliminary Studies on Occurrence Time,Position and Inheritance Genetics of Seed Vivipary in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa)(PDF)


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Preliminary Studies on Occurrence Time,Position and Inheritance Genetics of Seed Vivipary in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa)
JIN YinglingZHU HuanhuanZHANG MingkeXI Maixia
(College of Horticulture,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology in Arid Areas,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100)
Chinese cabbageseed viviparyoccurrenceinheritance genetics
High,middle and low vivipary-susceptible materials of ‘8407’,‘Xiasheng’,‘B Re’,and seed vivipary-tolerence of ‘92S24’ and ‘72M’ were taken as test materials.By flower bud pollinating,flower labelling and regular interval sampling,the ratio of seed vivipary in Chinese cabbage lines was investigated.The seed vivipary occurrence time,position in the plant and inheritance genetics were studied in the Chinese cabbage.The results showed that,the vivipary of ‘8407’ and ‘Xiasheng’ occurred at 14 days and 23 days after flowering,respectively,and the former had a higher vivipary ratio than the latter and the main seed viviapry happened from 26 days to 32 days after flowering for both lines.The ratio of main branch was higher than first and second branch in ‘8407’,and the basic seeds in its pods had higher vivipary-susceptible character than the seeds in middle and top of pods;whereas no difference in ‘Xiasheng’.By analyzing the ratio of seed vivipary in parent lines and their F1 hybrid,the results showed that no vivipary was dominant to vivipary,and the vivipary in Chinese cabbage was controlled by cytoplast and nucleus genes at the same time.



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Last Update: 2016-07-04