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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Grape Resources Based on SSR Markers(PDF)


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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Grape Resources Based on SSR Markers
GUO YinshanNIU ZaozhuSHI GuangliGUO QuanXUE RuiyuanGUO Xiuwu
(College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
grapeSSRPCRclustering analysisgenetic relationship
Taking 15 grape resources as test materials,using SSR molecular marker method,the genetic diversity for 15 grape resources was researched.The results showed that among 245 SSR markers,49 distinct and stability markers were selected to conduct the amplification for the 15 grape resources,in total of 235 polymorphic bands were got,the polymorphic percentage were 100%.The number of allelic loci for each primer were ranged from 2 to 9,based on the SSR amplification results,used the software of NTSYSpc2.10e to conduct the Jaccard correlation coeffiecient analysis for the 15 grape resources,the result was between 0.660-0.860,the average genetic correlation coeffiecient was 0.760.After UPGMA clustering analysis,the 15 grape resources could be divided into 3 groups.The first group contained 2 resources crossed by V.vinifera L.and V.labrusca L.and 1 resource from V.labrusca L.;the second group contained 8 V.vinifera L.resources;the third group contained 2 resources crossed by V.amurensis Rupr.and V.vinifera L.and 2 V.amurensis Rupr.resources.It showed that the V.vinifera L.and V.labrusca L.had the nearest genetic relationship,the genetic relationship of V.amurensis Rupr.was farther to V.vinifera L.and V.labrusca L..The primers of VMCNG4B9,VMC3G9 could separate these 15 grape resources,they could lay the foundation for the grape finger-print in the future.



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Last Update: 2016-06-14