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Optimization of Drying Process and Characterization of Active Components of Pleurotus ferulae(PDF)


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Optimization of Drying Process and Characterization of Active Components of Pleurotus ferulae
WANG Weilan1CHEN Kaixu1MA Ji1MA Zhenghai1ZHANG Fuchun1ZHENG Xiufen123
(1.Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Genetic Engineering/College of Life Science and Technology,Xinjiang University,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830046;2.Department of Pathology,Western University,London,Canada N6A 5A5;3.Lawson Health Research Institute,London,Canada N6A 5A5)
P.ferulaedrying processoptimizationactive componentscharacterization
In order to optimize the best drying method and identify active components from P.ferulae,the fruit bodies from P.ferulae in Xinjiang were used as experimental materials and treated by three different drying technologies,which were hot air drying,vacuum freeze drying and natural drying,the fruit bodies were dealt by drying process.Then,we primarily detected and identified the bioactive components of the fruit body from P.ferulae in different solvents using preliminary examination test.The results showed that vacuum freeze drying treatment had little influence on cellular structure of Pleurotus ferulae,while hot air drying treatment damaged deeply on cellular stucture,drying process provided an effective way of storaging sample for follow-on experimert.The Pleurotus ferulae extracts mainly contained protein,polysaccharide,terpenoids,alkaloids,saponins and other substances and different extracts contained different bioactive components.It would provide significant guiding for effective storage and extraction of P.ferulae.




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Last Update: 2016-04-21