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Difference of Volatile Aroma Compounds in Ripen Berries of Wine Grape (Cabernet Sauvignon) Among Production Regions(PDF)


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Difference of Volatile Aroma Compounds in Ripen Berries of Wine Grape (Cabernet Sauvignon) Among Production Regions
ZHAO Yue1SUN Yuxia2SUN Qingyang1HAN Aiqin1MIAO Liping1ZHAO Xinjie1
(1.College of Biological Engineering,Qilu University of Technology,Jinan,Shandong 250353;2.Institute of Agro-food Science and Technology,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan,Shandong 250100)
production regionswine grapevolatile aroma compounds
Volatile aroma compounds in berries of wine grape (Cabernet Sauvignon) from three production regions (Deqin in Yunnan,Laishan in Shandong and Shacheng in Hebei) in China were analyzed by headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS).The results showed that 38 kinds volatile aroma compounds,including 12 aldehydes,5 alcohols,4 ketones,7 aromatics,6 terpenes and 4 esters,were detected in grape berry samples.Among three production regions,the composition of volatile aroma compounds in grape berries were basically the same,while the content of volatile aroma compounds showed different features.The grape berry sample of Deqin in Yunnan had lower content of C6 aldehydes and higher content of alcohols and aromatics;Shacheng in Hebei had higher content of terpenes,and the total volatile aroma compounds was also the highest among three production regions;while the variety and content of special odor compounds of Laishan in Shandong showed differences with the other two regions.





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Last Update: 2016-04-20