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Biocontrol Effect of Bio-fertilizer ‘Nanjing Shield’ on Strawberry(PDF)


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Biocontrol Effect of Bio-fertilizer ‘Nanjing Shield’ on Strawberry
GUAN Wenfang1DAI Xiangqun1HU Qiang1XIE Yuesheng2GAO Yanlin1GUO Jianhua23
(1.College of Plant Protection,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095;2.Engineering Center of Bioresource Pesticide in Jiangsu Province,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095;3.Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Management of Crop Diseases and Pest Insects,Ministry of Agriculture,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095)
bio-fertilizerstrawberry‘Nanjing Shield’biocontrol and growth-promoting
Taking strawberry as test material,the effect of bio-fertilizer ‘Nanjing Shield’ on the growth of strawberry and the bio-control of strawberry diseases were studied,by inoculation while strawberry was transplanted.The results showed that the number of flowers of ‘Nanjing Shield’ treatment was 4.8 per plant and was increased by 3.3 per plant,compared with control 43 days after inoculation.And the average weight of fruit was also raised by 8.8 g per fruit in mature period.Meanwhile,the contents of soluble protein,vitamin C,and soluble sugar of fruit of ‘Nanjing Shield’ treatment were significantly higher than control.The bio-control effect of ‘Nanjing Shield’ on strawberry blight and anthracnose reached 74.46% and 72.18%.





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Last Update: 2016-04-08