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Spatial Distribution Pattern of Artemisia ordosica Population Under Enclosure Condition in Desert Steppe(PDF)


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Spatial Distribution Pattern of Artemisia ordosica Population Under Enclosure Condition in Desert Steppe
FAN Ruixia12LI Xuebin123CHEN Lin12LIU Xuedong12
(1.Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Northwestern China of Ministry of Education,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021;2.Key Laboratory Breeding Base for Northwest Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration Province Department,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021;3.Office of Science and Technology,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021)
desert steppeenclosureArtemisia ordosicapoint pattern analysisspatial assocation
Artemisia ordosica is the dominant species in desert grassland of Ningxia.The experiment investigated the Artemisia ordosica population under enclosure in desert steppe,discussed the spatial pattern of Artemisia ordosica population in the study area,the spatial pattern in each age class structure,and spatial correlation of different age class with the application of the Ripley’s K(t) coefficient method.The results showed that under the condition of enclosing Artemisia ordosica population belong to the stable population,but due to lack of young individuals,which seriously affected the development of the region of Artemisia ordosica population.In the 0-12 m spatial scale,Artemisia ordosica population was significant aggregation,strength and scale aggregation was different in each size classes of Artemisia ordosica.With the increase of the individual,the aggregation intensity of Artemisia ordosica population gradually weakened.Spatial correlation is different in different developmental stages of Artemisia ordosica population.Between the developmental stages of adjacent at the small scale,the Artemisia ordosica population was strong correlation.With the increasing of scale,there was a decreasing trend of correlation between adjacent development stage;with the population development association,there was a decreasing trend between the developmental stages of adjacent,which showed the spatial distribution and spatial association of A.ordosica population was consistent.













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Last Update: 2016-03-02