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Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Six Highbush Blueberry Species(PDF)


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Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Six Highbush Blueberry Species
ZHANG ZichuanLI GenzhuWANG HexinXU Guohui
(Institute of Modern Agricultural Research,Dalian University,Dalian,Liaoning 116622)
blueberryphotosynthetic characteristicsmodified rectangular hyperbola modelwater use efficiency
Six varieties of northern and southern highbush blueberry grew in the southern region of Liaoning Province were chosen as the research object,photosynthetic active radiation gradient of light photosynthetic-light response curve was measured by use of LI-6400XT portable photosynthesis system at 0,20,50,100,200,500,800,1 000,1 200,1 500,1 800 μmol?m-2?s-1,using the rectangular hyperbola correction model fitting,computation of parameters of the light saturation point (LSP),light compensation point (LCP) and apparent quantum yield (AQY),simultaneously,use these photosynthetic parameters to analyze water use of highbush blueberry.The results showed that the ability of using the intensity of light and adapting hard light of southern highbush cultivars was higher than that of northern highbush cultivars,followed by ‘Cooper’>‘Ozarkblue’>‘Blue Ridge’>‘Bluejay’>‘Cara’s Choice’>’Big gold’,the ability and efficiency of using the weak light of majority of the northern cultivars were higher than southern highbush,followed by ‘Big gold’>‘Cooper’>‘Cara’s Choice’>‘Bluejay’>‘Blue Ridge’>‘Ozarkblue’;Water use efficiency of the majority of southern highbush blueberry was higher than that of northern highbush cultivars,followed by ‘Blue Ridge’>‘Cooper’>‘Cara’s Choice’>‘Big gold’>‘Ozarkblue’>‘Bluejay’,northern highbush cultivars of ‘Big gold’ and ‘Cara’s Choice’ transpiration rate were little,and water use efficiency was higher,regarded as water-saving and drought resistant cultivars.The conclusion of the study aimed to provide experimental basis for cultivating highbush blueberry in China. Keywords:blueberry;photosynthetic characteristics;modified rectangular hyperbola model;water use efficiency












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Last Update: 2016-01-04