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Research Progress on Selenium-rich Vegetables and Mechanism of Selenium-enriched(PDF)


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Research Progress on Selenium-rich Vegetables and Mechanism of Selenium-enriched
DU XiaofengWAN YingxinWANG YuhanNI Fang
(College of Applied Arts and Sciences,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100191)
seleniumdeficiencyselenium-enriched vegetableselenium-enriched method
Selenium is a necessary element in our body.Lacking of selenium will lead to various diseases.Vegetables can achieve the transformation of inorganic selenium to organic selenium and increase the content of selenium,which is the fundamental measure to improve body’s health.At present,four major methods of selenium-enriched plant cultivation are available:soil cultivation,foliar spray,solution cultivation,and seed dressing.Basing on the mechanism of absorption and transformation of selenium in plants,this paper,briefly,introduces the solutions above and progress in research on selenium-rich vegetables.It will provide theoretical and practice guide for research of selenium-rich vegetables that is easily absorbed.



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Last Update: 2015-11-20